Helping to Reinvent the Wheel……

  • October 8, 2013

Composite Integration are proud to be helping a truly British invention become a reality.
The ‘Loopwheel’ system replaces the conventional spokes in a bicycle wheel with a unique arrangement of composite springs.

Devloped by designer Sam Pearce, the resulting ‘Loopwheel’ provide exceptional ride quality and impact absorption.
The composite springs were developed in conjunction with Nottinghamshire based KG Archery who specialise in archery bows and who have the specialist knowledge necessary to optimise the use of composites in such a highly stressed spring application.

Having successfully refined and tested the handmade prototype wheels Sam came to Composite Integration for advice in converting the prototype springs into a production viable product. The RTM process was chosen due to the need for close control of the laminate thickness and quality.
Working closely with Sam we assisted with the design of the RTM tooling and then provided the production equipment and training necessary to get to the stage of being able to successfully produce the springs in-house.

We wish Sam every success with the project and welcome the opportunity to help such an innovative development become a reality.
A superb illustration both of the diversity of applications for composites and of true British inventiveness!

Visit the Loopwheels website: Loopwheels

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