Launch of CIJECT 3 Range - Equipment for Advanced Composites

  • March 1, 2018

Launching the new CIJECT 3 range for advanced composites at JEC 2018

We are launching our new range of ‘CIJECT 3’ injection equipment on our stand (J23, Hall 5A) at JEC (6th to 8th of March 2018, Paris-Nord Villepoint).  The CIJECT 3 is an advanced machine designed to process pre-mixed or single-component resin systems.

The machine allows different resin systems to be prepared (i.e. heated, mixed, degassed) and then dispensed without the need to clean and re-prime a mechanical pumping system.

Originally developed for R&D and lab-scale processing, the CIJECT 3 has now been developed further to suit the specific requirements of the aerospace and other hi-tech composite manufacturing industries. The accurate output control allows the machine to be used in both Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) and Resin Infusion (RI) processes.

Over the past 18 months, we have worked with a number of Tier One and OEM aerospace manufacturers to develop techniques for processing high temperature, aerospace grade resin systems using Out of Autoclave (OOA) techniques such as RTM and RI .

As part of this developmental work, it has become evident that there was a need within the industry for high quality, integrated injection equipment which is capable of injecting resin at accurate pressures and under high levels of control.

The resulting CIJECT 3 range of machinery has been used to successfully infuse carbon epoxy parts (in both RTM and Resin Infusion processes), with laminate properties that are directly comparable to those of a pre-preg equivalent.

Further highlights on display will include additional machinery from our Ciject range.


View the Ciject Three Range: CIJECT 3

Visit the JEC Website: JEC 2018

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